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Before I begin my discussions on pin up girls and how time has evolved to change and re mould a classic beauty to what we now perceive to be a pin up girl, I thought I should find a definition of the phrase “pin up girl”.

According to wikipedia the only definition I can find (with many sites quoting directly from this definition): “A pin up girl, also known as a pin up model is a model whose mass-produced pictures see wide appeal as popular culture.” Therefore a pin up girl/model is a widely recognised and widely adorned woman.

Pin up girls have always been a major part of society whether they are accepted or not, with pin up girls being highly sexually created an up roar with feminists declaring that pin ups paint women as objects to look at. As time has progressed society has mellowed to the topic of sex and sensuality more and more pin ups were created of all shapes and sizes which transformed the term pin up girl from something pretty for the men to look at but a stand for women to embrace themselves and who they are…xo